The new Archer Hotel Management brand was launched in four weeks. To get from page to production swiftly relies on the presence of several secret ingredients, first and foremost is a great relationship. But relationships need maintaining and our positivity and creativity, problem-solving and decision-making, allied to the inherent professionalism within Archer enabled us to work seamlessly and quickly. The second secret ingredient is experience. Experience generates speed and our understanding of hospitality businesses and hotel environments, knowing what works and what doesn't work, is a huge advantage when it comes to working at pace. The final secret ingredient is having a robust process for creating brands. Our process is proven over time. It can flex to the needs of a particular client and be used to create a new brand or redesign or refresh elements of an existing brand. Interestingly, in our experience, any brand creation process is dependent upon a great relationship and deep experience. Knowing what Archer Hotel Management needed and what to implement from our process was vital to the success of the project. Final outputs included: Brand Platform (Purpose, Values, Promise & Vision). Tone of Voice, Tone of Photography and a Mini Brand Guideline.