A brand is the sum of its tangible and intangible assets. So a brand is simultaneously a colour and a character, a picture and a promise, a logo and a language. Branding is the process of defining, nurturing and protecting a brand so that a business thrives. It’s not a one-off activity. But an ongoing undertaking that requires consistent investment and management of many different elements. It’s wrong to see branding as logo design when a logo is only one part of a brand’s visual identity, which is complemented by a brand’s verbal identity – its name, messaging and tone of voice. Branding is what we do. We make a brand meaningful and memorable, authentic and sustainable, differentiated and flexible, powerful and ubiquitous. And over the pages of this book we explain how we do it and why it’s important to businesses and organisations. Ultimately, in today’s fast-paced, increasingly connected, always on world, branding can turn consumers into customers and even into advocates. Well, in our book it can.